Monday, March 3, 2008


pls@slnsw said...

Dear Rosemary

You may want to change your blogger name to a pseudonym? To do that, log into your blog and Edit Profile.

And I hope the holiday will be fabulous!


Rosemary Woodhouse said...

Dear Victoria,

Thanks for your suggestion but Rosemary Woodhouse is a pseudonym! Check out the movie "Rosemary's Baby".

Yes, only 3 weeks till the holiday now!

Rosemary Woodhouse said...

I have subsribed to lots of RSS feeds including ones about animals, books, art. I think that the literature feeds would be useful for people doing book selection. Library feeds could be useful for professional development and getting ideas about how other libraries do things. It would be difficult to find the time to read them all though. I think i will have to unsubscribe to a few of them.